We’ll help you to combat the processionary caterpillar in your home


All the reasons why a timely attack is essential

As a result of rising temperatures due to climate change, recent winters have seen processionary caterpillars descending to the ground much earlier than usual. Failure to properly protect your garden and pets against these caterpillars may involve risks that you might not be aware of.

It is therefore essential to carry out the relevant treatment during the months of October and November, in order to reduce the risks associated with this pest. At the end of this period, we recommend planning for the next season, so you can be one step ahead of the problems that this unpleasant, even dangerous insect may bring.

Protect yourself and your loved ones

The problem with the processionary caterpillar is that if we come into contact with its hairs, we could suffer a reaction, ranging from mild inflammation, irritation or breathing difficulties, to a serious case of anaphylactic shock.

Dogs and cats could also suffer as a result of the caterpillar’s hairs pricking them as they come into contact with their paws The irritation causes them to lick their paws and bring the hairs into their mouths, leading to itchiness, inflammation and even vomiting. The symptoms are small white blotches in the mouth and on the tongue, excessive drooling and discomfort when chewing.

How can we prevent the threat posed by this insect to your garden?

In Autumn, it is extremely important to apply the correct treatments to prevent problems from arising in later months. Thanks to our experience with such preventive procedures, we can guarantee you peace of mind when it comes to potential infestations.

At Greener, we dedicate ourselves to the fight against this pest by means of preventive treatment using endotherapy. This is a technique that involves injecting an approved insecticide into the tree trunk. By doing this, we avoid any unwanted effects on the auxiliary fauna, such as those that occur with spraying treatments.

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